For Clinicians

All of the teaching strategies presented in Give Me A Voice are highly evidence based, fundamental concepts in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. In fact, all of the strategies recommended are ones that can be commonly observed in any quality ABA therapy program. The difference with Give Me A Voice is more in the packaging of these fundamentals. First, they are presented in easy to read, common language. This was done so that parents could easily read and apply the concepts in this book. In addition, all of the teaching strategies are sequenced for a parent or clinician in a logical order which encourages initial skill acquisition and then systematic prompt fading so that independence is encouraged throughout the entire learning process. Give Me A Voice also contains a robust Frequently Asked Questions section which will give the reader ways to troubleshoot the most common problems that might arise when using the Give Me A Voice method. These are only a few examples of what makes the clinical packaging of Give Me A Voice unique.

What truly makes Give Me A Voice stand out from a clinical perspective is its emphasis on Motivating Operations as the central feature of functional communication training. In recent years the field of ABA has focused more on analyzing and modifying Motivating Operations and Give Me A Voice has taken this progression and made it the focal point of the method. Please click through this section to learn more about the clinical foundations of Give Me A Voice and thank you for stopping by our site.